Volunteer Resources

AMURTEL psychologist working with children in a camp for earthquake survivors in Turkiye in 2023.

First of all, thank you so much for dedicating your time, skills, energy, and enthusiasm to an important humanitarian intervention. You will have the opportunity to make an important impact on the lives of so many people who need urgent care, safety, understanding, and friendship.

This short introduction is designed to give an overview of some of the basic principles of emergency relief work so that your contribution will be effective. At the end of each chapter, there is a link to the original source for more reading, but that is not required to take the test at the end.

General Principles Essential to Humanitarian Work

AMURT & AMURTEL free medical camps are reaching remote villages in Nepal after the earthquake in 2015.
  1. Core Humanitarian Standards
  2. Child Protection
  3. Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
  4. Protecting Displaced Populations from Trafficking
  5. Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies
  6. Photography and Data Protection
  7. Psychological First Aid
  8. Self-care