Make a one-time or recurring donation safely online, contribute to specific projects or to where it is most needed. You can also designate a particular program by leaving a note towards the end of the process.
Donate using a computer or phone
Donate with a smartphone QR code
Donate by check
2502 Lindley Terrace
Rockville MD 2085
Questions? Phone: +1 301 738 7122
International Banking
If you want to send funds directly to a project with a bank and do not live in the US, please Contact us for more information
Tax exemption
Donations to AMURT are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law in certain countries. In the USA, AMURT is a 501(c)3 organization with the Federal TAX ID number 23-7164834. If you wish to make a donation by bank wire transfer to the USA, please contact our Rockville office. Some other countries, like the UK, may also offer tax deductions.