AMURT Haiti 2015 Update

The ongoing activities of AMURT-Haiti continue full speed with several new programs joining the wide scope of long-term initiatives.

The Center for Innovative Continuing Education completed in close collaboration with the University of Quisqueya has graduated the first two cohorts of 400 teachers who have learnt how to apply in their schools Neo-Humanist pedagogical processes and tools. The Center will begin expanding the scope of its trainings in September through a scale-up model of training other institutions in NHE methodologies, with the goal of integrating these in the curriculum promoted by the Ministry of Education for all schools in Haiti.

AMURT-Haiti is preparing to rebuild from scratch the infrastructure of the destroyed La Felicite Learning Center, which will strive to be a model demonstration lab allowing workshop participants to experience first hand the process of student-centered learning. The center will contain a model school and environmental lab, and a training and office spaces to be used by AMURT in Haiti.

Drawing: view of the project plan showing the main school, the sports field, the garden, training center, and rooftop pavilions.

A vocational training program is building the capacities of 400 women and men over 6 months in several professional disciplines including electricity, sewing, plumbing, construction, cosmetology, etc. The participants will also learn how to apply integrated breath-work and mindfulness to resolve conflicts and set personal goals.

Meanwhile in the NW of Haiti the rural programs continue with the expansion of the 3,000 women strong network of Self-Help Groups. This Proutistic model has already reached 300,000 USD in self-generated savings invested weekly in loans for small business activities. The model gained national recognition when the Digicel Foundation awarded it its special 2014 Entrepreneur of the Year award in the category of emergent ventures. Parallel with business and literacy skills the women learn leadership and mind-body practices such as integrated breath-work, yoga asanas, and non-violent communication.
