Burkina Faso Maternity
Since 1986, AMURT has maintained a presence in Burkina Faso, engaging in various activities in the fields of healthcare and agroecology. In recent years, AMURT has expanded its presence to several regions where programs focus on community building, improved water access, sanitation and ecological regeneration.
AMURT is establishing a number of regional hubs in Kenya that will serve as engines of development into the foreseeable future. These development centers reflect AMURT’s commitment to long-term dialogue and action with local communities to support their efforts to improve life.
India Health Clinic
AMURT in India has been active in most major disasters since 1965. In recent years multiple teams responded to the Gujarat Earthquake 2001, the Asian Tsunami in 2005, and floods in 2007, 2008 and 2009.
Mozambique Health
AMURT commenced several hygiene and sanitation program in 2001, with grants from UNICEF and the Swiss Development Corporation, building 1,400 pit latrines in three resettlement areas. Our surveys had shown that many people were unaware of the causes of diarrhea, so we also organized educational theater programs in all the beneficiary communities.
India Food and Supplies
AMURT & AMURTEL volunteers from the two states along with reinforcements from around India distribute water, dry foods, clothes and blankets. We also provide urgent medical as well as psycho-social care. The operation served up to 10,000 people daily for a month.