The hub of AMURT’s agroecology project in Burkina Faso is the Bissiri model farm and training center located 60 kilometers from the capital, Ouagadougou. The farm demonstrates sustainable technologies such as agro-ecology, agroforestry, crop rotation, integrated pest management, composting, and live fencing.
Child Friendly Spaces Haiti
AMURT in partnership with Kinder Not Hilfe and Catholic Relief Services run ten Child-Friendly Spaces in Port-au-Prince for 4,000 children. The purpose of the centers is to help children affected by the earthquake restore normalcy and improve overall well-being in their lives with psychosocial and educational support. Besides psychosocial, educational, and creative activities children in the Child-Friendly Spaces program receive nutritional biscuits in addition to a hot meal of rice, beans and vegetables.
Haiti Environment Reforestation
Paul Ziade is AMURT’s Rural Programs Coordinator, and runs the Cash-for-Work (CFW) program. Initiated by AMURT and joint-funded by the UN’s Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, it is primarily a response to economic desperation exacerbated by the influx of displaced persons into two of Haiti's most impoverished communes.
India Health Clinic
AMURT in India has been active in most major disasters since 1965. In recent years multiple teams responded to the Gujarat Earthquake 2001, the Asian Tsunami in 2005, and floods in 2007, 2008 and 2009.