The Wasichana Wote Wasome (WWW) project has the goal to improve school enrolment, retention, attendance and learning outcomes of girls in school throughout Kenya. The project, funded by the UK government, consists of a consortium of five organizations, with AMURT being the lead implementing partner in Samburu and Mombasa Counties.
Kenya has long been a venue for many of AMURT's service projects over the years, but new challenges continue to affect millions of residents. Education, healthcare, HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, job creation, and care for orphans and vulnerable children have all been areas of emphasis and continue to be a large part of AMURT's presence in Kenya.
The heart of this child-centered approach lies in the child's right to choose from among various options, what activity he/she would like to do, with the stipulation that the child must complete the activity chosen before moving on to pick another activity.
An important facet of the program is the training and support of 135 peer educators who pass on knowledge to youth, and provide condoms to those who need them. In fact, many of the peer educators have become walking “condom dispensers” and sometimes receive a knock on their doors in the dead of night from friends seeking condom support! In addition, the peer educators visit primary schools and secondary to schools to deliver age-specific messages to children in an entertaining way.
To contribute towards the care of an estimated 1.6 million fully or partially orphaned children in Kenya, AMURT has enlisted the help of local organizations, community members and businesses to care for 3,000 children age 5-14 living in Nyanza, Coast and Central provinces. From the moment they enter our program, children are assigned a community volunteer who lives in their vicinity to ensure they benefit from the many aspects of the program.