Indonesia Tsunami Relief
In the immediate aftermath of the disaster, AMURT and AMURTEL focused on providing emergency supplies to the survivors. We distributed more than US$300,000 worth of food and non-food, medical and recreational items in the first three months to thousands of tsunami survivors in different parts of Aceh.
Myanmar Disaster Relief
Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team, AMURT started its relief activities immediately after the Cyclone Nargis in May 2008. Food and non-food items where distributed to the survivors; Child Friendly Spaces where set up to provide psycho-social support to the children and temporary primary schools where constructed.
Peru Community Programs
Rurapuk Stars, is employing six hearing disabled women and one non-disabled woman, who is our designer and the creator of the first dolls. These women are working full-time at a fair wage to make hand-made ethnic Peruvian dolls. The hearing-disabled women are talented, sincere, hard working, and have a refined sense of art and aesthetics. It has been our experience that, with patience and proper guidance, they do higher quality work than non-disabled people.
Mozambique Health
AMURT commenced several hygiene and sanitation program in 2001, with grants from UNICEF and the Swiss Development Corporation, building 1,400 pit latrines in three resettlement areas. Our surveys had shown that many people were unaware of the causes of diarrhea, so we also organized educational theater programs in all the beneficiary communities.
Venezuela Computer Center Library
The focus of the Center is to serve the impoverished rural villages of Barlovento through education, health, agriculture and cooperatives. Due to a legacy of slavery, poverty and unemployment, most of the Afro-Venezuelan villagers suffer from low self esteem and lack of opportunities to develop their potential.