Compensate for your journeys by supporting the planting of trees in the Sahel!

Contribute to the Ko Neere Project in Burkina Faso

Support the Ko Neere community reforestation and climate protection project in Burkina Faso by offsetting the climate impact of your journeys. The funds raised from the project covers tree plantations, water management, nursery protection, tools, training/awareness, maintenance.

Reforestation has many advantages:

  • reduced drought and improved rainfall
  • fight against climate change and improve climatic conditions
  • increased biodiversity
  • economic benefits for local populations and fight against population displacement, reduction in the number of refugees

How much to pay (how many trees) in compensation for your plane or car trip?

Amount of compensation = 0.0066 euros x number of km traveled (by plane or car)

The price per tonne of CO2 equivalent (1000 Kg) is 22 € (Good Planet reference). 

By car: count 0.3 Kg CO2 / km divided by the number of passengers (that is an average and varies according to the fuel and the vehicle type).

By air: count 0.3 Kg of CO2 / km per passenger (that is an average and varies according to the distance traveled and type of aircraft).

So multiply your km by (22 euros x 0.3 divided by 1000 = 0.0066), and you will have the amount to carbon offset and donate to the project.

Example, for 1000 km traveled, you can donate 66 euros to Ko Nere, which allows, for example, to contribute to the daily remuneration of a local trainer for the planting of trees in areas which otherwise risk becoming more and more desert. See below for more information.

“Ko Nere” is the product of several years of experience with the rural communities of Kombissiri, province of Bazega, and Tanghin Dassouri, province of Kadiogo in the Sahel. For the moment, the project has focused on the study of water accessibility and community organization of target villages, training/awareness-raising around the use of water such as community market gardening, the establishment of tree nurseries (with a view to reforestation and fruit production), hygiene, organization of training for women, etc. The village associations determine the needs and strategy to be adopted, particularly in terms of boreholes, training needs, etc.

The project is about reforestation and works to develop groves in small villages. These small forests (of local trees, resistant) of 1 to 2 Ha protected from the wandering of animals where the fauna and flora can regenerate. At this stage, the project covers eight villages and 20,000 trees. Some of the tress we plant are Nére, Baobab, Shea, Acacia, Albizia, Mango, Guava, Lemon, Tangelo (local orange tree, actually a hybrid of lemon and grapefruit), Bell (wood apple), Weda (fruit liana), Tamarind, Moringa.

Donate here for this project



Some of the project’s Impacts

Eight equipped boreholes, one solar oven installed; 10 training courses in organic market gardening and drying offered to the women’s group; Production of tomatoes, parsley, cucumbers, and other vegetables; Drying of vegetables and mangoes;

Participate in the project budget to allow the Sahel to fight against drought and increase the forest area in Africa. Good for biodiversity, good for communities, good for the climate!